I have put together a way to keep files private yet still have them backed up by Dropbox. It works on Linux and OS X. Jump to the instructions if you want to get right to it.
Edward Snowden sparked a public conversation about internet and communication privacy. He has ...
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Transitioning to a new cell phone has gotten a lot easier since the days when I wrote all the numbers I had stored in my Nokia's memory on a sheet of paper only to enter them in again by hand on the new phone. However, there are still some ...
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I wrote a program that generates passphrases. Passphrases are a better alternative to commonly-used, hard-to-remember but easy-to-guess passwords ('eyebrow favor advancing homeland' versus 'Tr0ub4dor&3'). The python program randomly picks four common English words to make the passphrase. A key consideration is the list of words the program chooses from ...
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The xkcd comic criticizing the state of passwords made sense to me. Why are we subject to password requirements that point us toward hard-to-remember and less secure passwords? Why don't we optimize for memorability and security?

Requiring a mix of punctuation, capital letters, and lowercase letters has become ...
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